General OPD Screening by Nurses

General OPD Screening by Nurses


Early assessment, prioritization for treatment and management of sick individual attending health services are critical for achieving good outcome. Many hospitals in developing countries see large number of patients and have few staff, so patients often have to wait before being assessed and treated. People who are not very sick are often send back home without checking the blood pressure, height and weight because of lack of time (physicians time for checking the vital signs). They do not know where to access for these services like checking blood pressure when they visit hospital just for this service.

Therefore outpatient screening by nurses is introduced at Monger Regional Referral Hospital with the following objectives:

  • Improve patient flow and to bridge a gap between patients and physicians
  • Ensure at least BLOOD PRESSURE is checked for all patients/non-patients visiting hospital
  • Reduce waits and delays thereby improving patient satisfaction
  • Improve access to health care services


OPD nurse performs care coordination and professionals nursing function assess the severity of the patient’s health concerns using protocols and algorithms in a manner that provides appropriate patient disposition to care. The nurse will screen all walk in patients to the outpatient department.

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