One stop service of OPD patient outcome till date.
The premier hospital of the eastern region MRRH initiated out patient vital signs and other parameters check up on 21st June, 2019 and since been functioning with targeted purpose and great help so far. The check up station is located next to the main reception counter in the outpatient waiting lobby.
The main purpose of the service initiation is:
- To ensure no patient with abnormal vital signs is missed while he or she visits hospital
- To minimize waiting time and avoid delay in basic emergency services
- To enhance functioning of physicians.
The services provided so far at this service station are assessment of blood pressure, pulse, respiration, peripheral oxygen saturation, temperature, height and weight along with body mass index(BMI). It’s services are available from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm except on Saturday(i.e till 1:00 pm) and its unavailable on government holiday and Sunday. The services are provided to all citizens willing to avail while visiting hospital irrespective of health status, and assessment is a must for those citizens visiting physician’s chamber for any medical check up. The child below age 10 were excluded for blood pressure check up as of now. There are two nurses stationed for the cause of this services at this unit on rotation basis.
There are 7498 recipients of service as of 5th august and dozens of patients has been directed for emergency management at the emergency department. The number of visitors is good with the average of 197 patients per day for the last 38 working days of operational.
According to the doctors this service have significantly reduced patient waiting time because vital signs were already assessed which wasn’t the case a month ago whereby doctor have to check vital signs if they objectify the patient have abnormal vital signs. The public opinion regarding the services expresses immense gratitude and happiness for the initiative of MRRH administration. Many patients said they didn’t know they possessed increased blood pressure and higher BMI but now they are aware of such abnormal values of themselves and willing to follow up later in accordance with doctor’s advice. The department which was eased by frequent drop in on vital parameters check up by physician’s advice and visitors is Emergency department.
A month old services has been of paramount benefits to the patients, doctors and other staffs as well as system where inflow and outflow of patients waved smoothly for the welfare of the general public.
Compiled by: Mr. Ugyen Dorji